Indian company Sagar shares its secret to success in the spinning industry
A modern building in Bhopal, India. A man is about to enter his office. It looks as if he is entering a temple: He takes off his shoes and bends [...]
A modern building in Bhopal, India. A man is about to enter his office. It looks as if he is entering a temple: He takes off his shoes and bends [...] Harald Schoepp, General Manager Trützschler Textile Machinery Shanghai, shares some insights about our Chinese location: "When we established our subsidiary in China in 2001 Truetzschler had already set [...]
The market for recycled textiles is growing rapidly – because fashion is faster than ever, environmental regulations are stricter than ever, and the consumer focus on sustainability is sharper than [...]
We started delivering our new Truetzschler Draw Frame TD 10 to customers in India at the beginning of 2020 – and the response has been incredibly positive. Since the market [...]
At Gama Iplik ve Dokuma Sanayi A.S. in Gaziantep, south-east Turkey, everything has revolved around spinning used textiles into regenerated yarns since 1997. 100 tons of yarn and 50 tons [...]
Going green is a personal choice that is embraced by individuals and corporates to contribute towards the improvement of the condition of the world’s environment. Whereas people alone have been [...]
Our customers in the card clothing market place a laser-sharp focus on utilization times, efficiency and profitability – while striving to meet the highest standards for quality. That’s why Truetzschler [...]
As 2020 comes to an end, we are looking back to a year that has been dominated by the Corona pandemic. Nevertheless, for Truetzschler and our business partners it was [...]
COVID-19 has presented many companies with a major challenge this year. Trade fairs were cancelled or postponed and the exchange with the customer did not take place as usual. At [...]
Upcycling, downcycling, recycling and better use of raw materials are only a few terms for different sustainability efforts in the textile industry. The subject is complex and can have many [...]