2020-01-29T10:10:47+01:00February 4, 2020
The Company
Laura Hartmann

Truetzschler worldwide: Truetzschler Card Clothing, Neubulach

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In Neubulach, Germany, we produce a major part of our metallic wires and manage all activities within the Truetzschler Group related to card clothings and wires.
The company was built in Neubulach in the black forest in 1949. This area is well-known for its cuckoo clocks, which are made of very tiny elements. This traditional and local expertise is what we use to manufacture our products – on state-of-the-art production lines.

We traveled from Moenchengladbach to Neubulach to see what TCC is all about and to talk to the Managing Director Peter Gäbler, who told us:

“The high accuracies we work with can be illustrated with the aid of a human hair. While a hair has a diameter of 0,04 mm, we work with units that are even smaller. We reach accuracies in the micrometer range. To ensure the consistent and high quality of our products, we have to reach very high levels of precision at any time.
How do we achieve this perfection? This remains our secret.
What fascinates Peter Gäbler, Managing Director, when walking through the facilities is the thought that all these wires are shipped worldwide to wherever fibres are being processed.
And all this is made in the black forest. Who would have thought?”

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