Yarn manufacturers across markets worldwide are experiencing the positive impact of our next-generation carding machine, the TC 30i. Since it was launched in January 2024, this machine has proven top quality and higher productivity for both man-made fiber and cotton applications.
The TC 30i is designed to maximize process efficiency and product quality for spinning. Due to its intelligent, self-optimizing functions it achieves consistent results from any raw material while reducing or eliminating the demand for operator intervention. The machine has already proven up to 40 % higher productivity in man-made fiber applications. In recent trials with cotton applications, customers in Indonesia and Türkiye have achieved outstanding results, too.
Big benefits for Budi Texindo Prakarsa
Budi Texindo Prakarsa is a leading spinning mill based in Indonesia, specialized in the production of premium cotton yarn with an annual capacity of 80,000 spindles. In their recent trials with the TC 30i, they produced 100 % cotton yarn (Ne 20 to Ne 30) via ring-combed processes. Compared to the previous benchmark, productivity increased by up to 30 % with the same IPI quality level. At the same time, energy and air consumption per kilogram have been reduced.

From left to right: Rajesh Pandiyan (Adviser Budi Texindo Prakarsa), Giyanto Miskun (Mill Manager Budi Texindo Prakarsa) and Hans Rütten (Area Manager Indonesia at Trützschler).
Measurable advantages for Mem Tekstil
In Türkiye, Mem Tekstil is one of the largest integrated manufactures in the textile sector. Their products range from knitting, dyeing, rotation and digital printing to ring spinning, open-end spinning and vortex spinning. With Trützschler’s TC 30i they produced a yarn (Ne 20) made from 100 % cotton soft waste via open-end (OE) spinning. Its engineers tested the TC 30i because they are considering upgrading older card models. Our machine has increased productivity from 70 kilograms per hour to 160 kilograms per hour with the same or better quality. This shows once again that modernization can be worthwhile.
Super results for SAFTEKS
SAFTEKS is another Trützschler customer located in Türkiye. The company produces cotton yarns with a monthly production capacity of 2100 tons. It uses OE spinning to manufacture 100 % cotton yarn (Ne 20) from 40 % virgin cotton and 60 % cotton soft waste. Swapping its cards for the TC 30i made it possible for SAFTEKS to increase its output capacity from 70 tons per day to 85 tons per day. That is a productivity boost of more than 20 %, with the same level of quality.
Promising results for PT Dhanar Mas Concern in man-made fiber applications
PT Dhanar Mas Concern (Danar Mas) is an Indonesian company dedicated to the production of high-quality textile products. The company specializes in spinning yarns and manufacturing greige fabrics. They use our TC 30Si card, which is specially customized for man-made fibers. In recent trials with the TC 30Si, Danar Mas produced a ring carded polyester yarn (Ne 20 to Ne 30) and a viscose yarn (Ne 30 to Ne 40) via vortex spinning. In both applications, the next-generation card produced 125 kg/h of material at the same IPI quality level, up to 40% more than the company produces with its current benchmark.

From left to right: Kevin A. Sastraatmadja (Director Danar Mas), Hans Rütten (Area Manager Indonesia at Trützschler) and Lukàs Koubek (Deputy Regional Inspector at Trützschler).
Making a positive impact on cotton yarn production
How did these Trützschler customers achieve such remarkable success for carding cotton with the TC 30i? First, because the T-GO automated gap optimizer improves quality by enabling the smallest and most precise carding gaps – far beyond anything possible with manual settings. Second, the TC 30i maximizes quality and productivity by increasing the number of active flats without sacrificing flexibility in the pre- and post-carding areas due to the larger cylinder diameter. And third, the TC 30i minimizes cotton waste because it features a new and highly precise mote knife at the first licker-in. Customers can automatically optimize and adjust the mote knife settings to meet their specific needs. Combined with the impact of our WASTECONTROL feature, this significantly reduces material waste.
Proven positive impact
The next-generation card TC 30i has earned popularity in main textile markets by achieving proven results in real-world operating conditions – for cotton yarn and for man-made fibers. It is suitable for a uniquely broad range of applications, including fine count (with the TC 30Fi model) and recycling (with the TC 30Ri model). All orders from the last few months are now being installed, so that the TC 30i can demonstrate its positive impact on productivity and quality at many more mills worldwide.
Cover picture shows from left to right: Ahmet Öztürkmen (Trützschler Türkiye Sales Engineer), Ali Saglam (Trützschler Türkiye Area Manager), Kazim Vurur (Mill Manager of SAFTEKS), Mehmet Dogan (Trützschler Technologist), Birger Gluth (Trützschler Service Technician).