2023-11-16T15:10:11+01:00December 17, 2020
India | The Company
S.K. Joshi

Truetzschler India’s Go Green Initiatives

Going green is a personal choice that is embraced by individuals and corporates to contribute towards the improvement of the condition of the world’s environment. Whereas people alone have been making small efforts to help, businesses have a much larger impact on the environment.

Their initiatives can make a big difference when it comes to saving the environment and creating a sustainable future. As a conscientious company, Truetzschler India has already taken several important steps in this direction. We intend to support greener practices, support legislation that reduces carbon footprint, and discoveries in green energy.


Woodless Packaging
In 2015, Truetzschler India decided to switch from wooden to woodless packaging. Looking at the truck sizes available in India, a detailed study was carried out to find the right sizes and dimensions of each package and a way of proper stacking inside the truck. This helped to implement woodless packaging successfully for supplying all machines to domestic customers in an economic and secure way.


Conversion of diesel to Piped Natural Gas (PNG) burner
Earlier, Truetzschler India used diesel burners in the paint shop. However, the decision was taken to implement a change in the fuel system. Necessary engineering modifications were carried out internally and we started using PNG fuel successfully. PNG is one of the cleanest burning fuels and supports improving the quality of air. This simple change helped us to reduce our carbon footprint by 483 tons/year and operating cost by at least 55 percent.

We continue to take our efforts further through other initiatives like:

  • Installation of an Integrated Solar Cooking System
  • Change of lighting to LEDs, which helped to reduce power usage by as much as 80 percent
  • Implementation of a cool roof technology in the production and assembly area to reduce the department temperature
  • Rainwater harvesting to save 9 million liters of water per year
  • Preparation for certification of Energy Management System ISO 50001:2018.

Truetzschler India’s “Go Green” initiatives helped to reduce the company’s total carbon footprint by 545 T/year and we will continue our efforts to align each activity towards the environmental needs.

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