2020-11-26T14:27:35+01:00November 26, 2020
Card Clothing | Events | Nonwovens
Jutta Stehr

Digital Trade Fair by Truetzschler Nonwovens and Truetzschler Card Clothing

COVID-19 has presented many companies with a major challenge this year. Trade fairs were cancelled or postponed and the exchange
with the customer did not take place as usual. At the same time there is the opportunity to pursue new, digital ways.

After the first trade fairs and conferences took place online instead of on site in spring 2020 due to COVID-19, Truetzschler also developed the idea of offering its own digital solution – in the form of a virtual trade fair for the nonwovens and card clothing sectors. Our customers needed to be informed about innovations and solutions despite the current situation.

A “room” was created on the net with information covering all aspects of nonwovens production according to the “Good Vibes” motto. The digital exhibition with videos, reports and presentations was rounded off with an interactive level. Visitors were able to exchange information directly with our experts from sales or technology via text chats, telephone calls or videos.

What exactly did our virtual exhibition look like? The central point for visitors was the “Virtual Tour”, during which they were “beamed” into the showroom of the Nonwoven Customer and Technology Center (NCTC). Here, videos and presentations were waiting to be discovered and viewed. Similar to a computer game, the visitor had the opportunity to browse around and click on various icons. More than two hours of material on various topics were waiting to be discovered – from an introduction to nonwovens, popular end products or nonwovens made of cellulose (pulp) to the possibilities of the NCTC.  Visitors had the opportunity to get in touch with contacts and experts online, start chats or video sessions and discuss questions.

What can be discovered here? Oh, right, news from Truetzschler Card Clothing.

During the three days, more than 250 external visitors obtained information at the Good Vibes Show. The chats and video calls allowed for a number of interesting conversations and direct exchange. Especially digitally oriented visitors got their money’s worth. For others, the medium of the “virtual trade show” still seems too new and unfamiliar to actively establish contact with known and unknown people. In the long term, digital trade fairs will not be able to replace our local events, but they will offer a useful addition.

Oliver Döring, Director of Sales at Truetzschler Nonwovens, says: “This virtual exhibition was a premiere for us. We are happy that in times of COVID 19, we made it possible for our visitors to get in touch with us directly and learn about our products. The big advantage we see in this kind of fair is that the platform and content we created is not limited to the exhibition days. It is now integrated in our website and can be viewed anytime and from anywhere in the world. Nevertheless, the fun of meeting in person and discussions over coffee and cookies is definitely missing.”

Have we made you curious? The virtual nonwovens showroom including a tour is integrated into the Truetzschler website. Experience it here: https://virtual.truetzschler.com 

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