2023-11-17T11:55:58+01:00December 2, 2019
Career | Culture | HR | The Company
Vaanmathe Arulanandham

A first-of-its-kind health programme

A typical working day for the trainees at Truetzschler calls for a lot of physical effort. This led to the idea of giving knowledge about physical health to the trainees of the company. Truetzschler joined hands with the health insurance company Barmer* and organised Azubis Aktiv, a fitness session for the trainees of the company.

Ariane Blix from the Human Resources department says, “This is our pilot project in the field of fitness and training. We have been planning to execute this for a long time. Our focus was to keep the trainees in good health, which will motivate them to commit towards the work environment. It is of course an added advantage to have established a connection with Barmer”. The session constituted a breakfast meal followed by spinal cord scanning and counselling by a physiotherapist and a workout session post lunch.

Break the fast!

The most essential meal of the day is indeed ‘Breakfast’ and there is a reason why it is called so. It means breaking the fast you have been all night. The breakfast offered to the trainees included healthy variants of breads such as the pumpkin seed bread with lettuce and cheese, whole grain bagel with sliced turkey and boiled egg and smoked salmon rolls. Fruits, walnuts and beverages such as tea and coffee were also served. The respresentative of Barmer explained why breakfast is significant and what kind of ingredients keeps our body healthy. He threw light on some alternatives and healthy substitutes to some not-so-healthy foods. “Of course, a Nutella toast or a chocolate wouldn’t hurt occasionally”.


How flexible are you?

Our spinal cord deserves utmost care, because every movement of ours is associated with the backbone. As trainees, their work requires standing for long time or staying in a particular position for hours. A physiotherapist on site consulted each trainee with a Medimouse – a special device that detects spinal cord malposition and muscle disbalances. Each of the trainees took the scanning test and the results were given to them in the form of a graphical illustration. They were also given a chart that included workouts for their back. Barmer also offered a mobile application that can be used by the trainees to keep track of their fitness and watch fitness videos on them. “Although, most of the trainees practice Sports we wanted to remind them of the importance of keeping their joints and back in good health,” confirms Frau Blix.


Break a sweat!

The next in line of Azubis Aktiv was the physical training session. The physiotherapist engaged the trainees in an hour-long exercise that involved a gym roller. He focused not only on the neck and back but also taught the trainees to warm down the muscles in the calves and arms using the same prop. The trainees actively participated in the keep-fit session. “This has been a productive workshop. As an apprentice of industrial management, my work requires being in a similar position for a long time and continuous movements of my wrists and fingers while working with the computer. These exercise sheets will find its place on my wall and I hope to practice them daily. The breakfast recipes also seem to be easy to prepare, so I will try them as well”, affirms Bettina Ehrentraut.


Health is the most coveted wealth! Especially in this time and age, when millennials compose the major percentage of the workforce, it goes without saying how important Corporate Wellness is. Hence, this tailored health programme has indeed been fruitful.



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